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看看墨爾本旅遊 (KK Melbourne Tours) 創立於 2011年,是澳洲合法登記的旅遊公司,也持有維多利亞州公園局核發的旅遊業者執照。


About KK Melbourne Tours

Established in 2011 and officially granted the Tour Operator License by Parks Victoria, KK Melbourne Tours (formerly Known as KK Lion Tours) is a registered tourism company based in Australia.

We offer a range of exciting and fun day tour packages around Melbourne, catering to Cantonese, Taiwanese (Hokkien) and Chinese speakers. We also offer family and private tours to cater to specific itineraries and preferences.


Travelling to the outskirts of Melbourne City, we explore everything from the iconic beaches along Great Ocean Road and Mornington Peninsula, to the picturesque greenery of Mount Dandenong on the Puffing Billy. Animal lovers will love the close encounters with koalas in one of the best Victorian koala parks, as well as the iconic Penguin Parade at Phillip Island.

Our objective is to offer a relaxing, fun, and unique experience to customers, while sharing our love for Victoria and the beauty it has to offer. 


Leo 在新加坡長大,在英國求學。1997年在英國巴斯大學取得電機工程學位。他從學生時代就熱愛旅遊,至今已造訪過英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯、法國、西班牙、德國、瑞士、荷蘭、盧森堡、意大利,比利時、奥地利和希臘等大部分的歐洲國家。






Eunice 在台灣長大,於1994年在台灣拿到外國語文學士學位,1995年於英國及法國繼續求學,並取得英國巴斯大學及巴黎第三大學歐洲研究碩士學位。






2011年決定和 Leo 為這份有趣又具有挑戰性的新事業一起努力,期盼帶給所有有緣的遊客一段終生難忘的回憶。

Leo was raised in Singapore and educated in England. In 1997, he obtained his Engineering honors degree at The University of Bath, United Kingdom. He loves to travel since students' days, and has since travelled to most parts of the European countries including England, Scotland, Wales, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Belgium, Austria and Greece.


Upon graduation, he worked as an engineer and continues his travelling and exploration to many other countries including Australia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.


In 2010, he left his boring monotonous engineering job in Singapore and decided to start up this exciting new venture in Melbourne, Australia.



Eunice was raised and educated in Taiwan. In 1994, she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages & Literatures in Taiwan. In 1995, she continued her education in England and France, and obtained her Masters degree (Master of Arts) in Contemporary European Political Culture.


Upon graduation, she worked as a personal assistant in French hypermarket Carrefour in Taiwan for 4 years. She then moved to Singapore and stayed there for 8 years, travelling a lot with her family to most of the countries in Asia.


In 2009, she moved to Melbourne to experience a new environment and to enjoy the quality of life.


She is now a great partner to this exciting new venture and wishes to bring all the customers good memories that last for a lifetime.

交通工具(暖氣和空調)- Our Modern Transportation

Toyota Commuter 十二人座旅行車


為了您的舒適和個人空間,我們使用十二人座的 Toyota Commuter 旅行車。高品質的旅遊,更少的等待時間, 輕鬆又自在。


Toyota Commuter 私人包車價格一日澳幣 $990+。

Toyota Commuter 12-Seaters Mini-Coach


For your comfort and personal space, we use a spatial modern 12-seaters heated & air-conditioned coach - Toyota Commuter. High quality travel in a small group. Less people, less waiting time. Need no rushing from one place to another. Relax and comfy.


The charge for private booking of Toyota Commuter is from A$990 per day.



免費服務 - Free Services For Our Customers
  • 從墨爾本市區任何地點(包括您下榻的酒店)專車接送。


  • 旅程中提供免費礦泉水。


- Pick-up & drop-off anywhere within Melbourne City;


- Free flow of mineral water;


為什麼我們的價格是如此的吸引人? Why Our Price Is So Attractive?
  • 我們没有印製廣告傳單的費用。


  • 不需要支付給旅行社的佣金。


  • 現金付款(不需支付刷卡手續費)。


- We save on printing advertising brochures.


- We save on commission paid to 3rd party. (i.e. other travel agencies) 


- We collect cash. (No credit card processing fees)


“我們一家人都熱愛旅遊,並且相信分享會使快樂加倍。因此,我們希望以合理的價格,帶著大家到墨爾本各個有趣和熱門的景點,和大家分享我們在旅遊中的美好經驗 "。


“My family and I love to travel and see the world. We would like to share our experience with you by taking you to some of the interesting and popular places in and around Melbourne at an attractive price."


導遊 Leo

--- 感謝您到訪 <看看墨爾本旅遊> Thank you for visiting KK Melbourne Chinese Day Tours ---

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