墨爾本中文小團一日遊(廣東話 / 普通話)
Melbourne Cantonese & Chinese Day Tours
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and regulations enforced by State and Federal Governments - KK Melbourne Tours is now temporary closed for bookings.
This closure is for the foreseeable future and we are not yet aware of a re-opening date. We will keep you posted. Thank you.
KK1 - 大洋路 + 12 門徒石 + 峽谷 + 倫敦橋 + 萬年雨林 + 燈塔 + 無尾熊 + 拱門島
Great Ocean Road + 12-Apostles + Lighthouse + Koalas + London Bridge + Loch Ard Gorge + Otway Rainforest + Island Archway + The Razorback
KK2 - 企鵝島 + 動物農場 + 餵袋鼠 + 蒸汽火車 + 丹德農山 + 巧克力工廠 + 海豹岩
Phillip Island - Penguin Parade + Animal Farm + Feeding Kangaroos + Puffing Billy Railway + Mt Dandenong + Chocolate Factory + Nobbies
KK3 - 百年酒莊 + 蘋果酒莊 + 香檳酒莊 + 864 橡樹嶺酒莊 + 巧克力和冰淇淋工廠 + 蘋果園 + 彩色小屋
Yering Station + Napoleone Cider + Domaine Chandon + 864 Oakridge + Chocolate & Ice-Cream Factory + Apple Farm + Colourful Bathing Houses
KK4 - 冬季限定 Mt Buller 雪山一日遊 (六~八月)
Only in Winter (June - August)
KK5 - 淘金鎮疏芬山 + 博物館 + 下金礦 + 坐馬車 + 基隆海灘
Ballarat Sovereign Hill + Deep Mine Adventure + Gold Museum + Geelong Beach